Saturday, January 21, 2012

Local Colors

We once had a cute little cafe here in my town where a few of us artists could hang our work and sell some pieces. I did sell several and when they sold, the people at the cafe were so excited that it made it even more fun. Sadly, the cafe closed and I lost my local outlet.

Last week Charlotte Munning, a ceramic artist and friend of mine from Greensboro, NC, told me about a little gallery in my own home town of Kernersville, NC – Southwinds Gallery.

Charlotte's theory is that she likes to have a presence in her home area. She shows and sells her work at this gallery and said that Angela Jarman, the owner, speaks to everyone who steps through the door and she takes the time to get to know them. That made me realize that I needed to learn more about Southwinds Gallery.

This piece is currently on display at Southwinds Gallery.

I called Angela, and she was so friendly and easy-going that I knew she would be a good person to work with. She gave me the go-ahead to bring some pieces to the gallery which I did – that afternoon. I took six pieces including some plein-air pieces of the local landscape, and hopefully I will add more in the future.

Her gallery showcases the work of her father, Harry Jarman, along with a few other artists. His work is amazing, very detailed. I especially like the still life pieces with soft reflections onto a glossy surface.

If you get chance, stop by. The gallery is located at 132 W. Mountain Street, one block west of the main intersection of Main St. and Mountain St. Phone 336.993.0818.

Here are some other pieces I have on display at Southwinds Gallery:

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Capturing Friends

This past week I worked on a commissioned piece for a friend of a friend. The subject of the painting is someone both friends know, and both were present when the photo was taken.

This commissioned portrait brought great joy.

When I received the photo I was to work from, I thought the photo was wonderful, so I knew my job wouldn't be too difficult. (It is not fun to work from bad photos supplied by other people from which you are to make a masterpiece that they will hopefully love.)

I liked this photo because:
  • The colors were vibrant and exciting. The fellow was making orange juice and was surrounded by many bright oranges cut into halves. He has beautiful white hair and a mustache and was standing against a dark background which made those things show up really well.
  • The glass of wine on the counter lets you know this was a fun undertaking.
  • He was very intent on his task, and I enjoy painting people who are engrossed in something they love to do – lost in the moment.

I sent a photo of the the nearly completed painting to the person who had commissioned the piece to get his feedback before I finished it. When he replied to my email, his one-word reaction was, "marvelous!"

What a refreshing descriptor after hearing "awesome" used to describe everything and anything for so long. The other friend said I had caught the moment – and that is the biggest compliment I can be given.  She also added that the glass of wine in the picture ended up all over her white shirt!

Making people happy with my paintings – this is the part of being an artist that is most rewarding for me.

mar·vel·ous [mahr-vuh-luhs]
1. superb; excellent; great: a marvelous show.
2. such as to cause wonder, admiration, or astonishment; surprising; extraordinary.
3. improbable or incredible: the marvelous events of Greek myth.

awesome [aw-suhm]
1. inspiring or characterized by awe
2. very impressive

I like marvelous better!

Happy New Year, and here are some more marvelous words to try in 2012:
  • extraordinary
  • inconceivable
  • breathtaking
  • unbelievable
  • fabulous
  • fantastic
  • incredible
  • miraculous
  • phenomenal
  • remarkable
  • spectacular
  • striking
  • stunning
  • stupendous
  • surprising
  • wonderful
  • wondrous