Friday, November 29, 2013

Small Work to Big Painting

While some artists who paint outdoors consider their plein air pieces to be finished works of art, many others use these studies only as inspiration for larger pieces.

In the past I have rarely used a plein air study to create a larger painting but, because I am a member of a plein air group that is planning an exhibit of larger paintings done from small studies, I have been challenged to explore this further.

I chose a small painting, The Dairy, to begin with. I was fairly pleased with this painting, but I knew there were things I could improve upon.

Black and White Sketch
I did several black and white sketches to see if I wanted to make changes to the composition. I decided to move the buildings to the left a little and to increase the slope of the distant mountain to make it more interesting. I also lowered the trees behind the buildings, showing more of the mountain and allowing the tree on the right to appear larger and more dynamic.

Plein Air study with grid applied
Wrapping the plein air study with cellophane allowed me to draw a grid over it for easier transferring of the image to a larger canvas. Notice that the center point is to the right of the center. This is due to my decision to move the buildings a little to the left on the canvas. Before beginning to paint, I drew a corresponding grid onto the larger canvas with pencil. Using the grid as a visual guide, I lightly sketched the large shapes of the composition onto the canvas with vine charcoal.

18x24 painting blocked in
Using thin paint, I did a block-in of darks and lights using local color.  In the image above, I have also begun to add thicker paint to the dark and medium dark areas of the building on the left.

18x24 painting with more detail added.

My next step was to continue painting the darks and medium darks, adding the fence and other smaller shapes.  This is still a work in progress; the light values will be addressed next and then I will add smaller details in some key areas.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Three Chances to Support Local Art

This is a busy time of year for everyone – and it's the same for we artists. Local artists and craftsmen are busy preparing for events to entertain you and to offer unique gift choices. Art is a great way to support local artists and your local arts organizations. Here are three good choices: 

Art in the Village
Art in the Village is Associated Artists of Winston-Salem's all-member exhibit and fine art sale. It will be held at at 113 Reynolda Village in Winston-Salem, NC (in the former Casanova’s location or the historical “corn crib” near the Village Tavern).

Opening Reception will be held during Reynolda Village’s “Holiday Stroll” on Saturday, November 23, 2013 from 5-8 PM.  Show will be on display from Saturday, November 16 - Monday, December 23, 2013.

This painting, Belcastel, will be on display at the show in Reynolda Village.


Deck the Halls

Deck the Halls is the Sawtooth School for Visual Arts' largest fundraising event and generates proceeds that help support their organization's operations and arts-based programming. Beautifully displayed in their gallery and gift shop setting, Deck the Halls features a unique variety of work from Sawtooth faculty, students and regional artists. Deck the Halls will be open to the public from December 6 - December 21, 2013 with the Preview Night celebration to be held Thursday, December 5th.

I will be selling some of my pottery and clay ornaments.


Germanton Gallery's 21st Annual Miniature Art Show

This is one of the finest art shows in the area and beyond. The list of nationally known artists is impressive and the work is outstanding! All paintings will be 9" x 12" or smaller.

Opening reception will be held Friday, December 6 from 5 - 8 PM. During the reception, Germanton Winery will be offering wine tastings. Local wine is another great gift choice that supports local business!

The gallery will also be open Saturday, December 7 from 10 AM - 4 PM and Sunday, December 8 from 1 PM - 4 PM. Many artists will be on site over the weekend. The show will hang through January 1, 2014.

Gallery located on Germanton Road, 9 miles north of Winston-Salem, NC.

Green Tea will be one of my paintings at the Germanton Show.