Saturday, December 6, 2014

Germanton Gallery Annual Miniature Show

Last night I attended the opening reception for this wonderful exhibit of small works by talented artists from across the country. It is a collection of realism at its finest and smallest.
4" x 4" painting by Jeff Legg
The opening event is always a fun time because artists from around the country as well as North Carolina get to reconnect with each other and share the news of the past several months. Everyone has tales to tell of traveling, taking workshops, teaching workshops, new things they are working on and all things art related.

Each year David Simpson, owner of the gallery, features one artist who will show a body of work in larger sizes while each of the other artists who have been invited to exhibit will show 2 miniature pieces which must be 9"x12" or smaller. Everyone comes to the show with amazing art work.

This year my friend Patty Bailey Sheets was the featured artist and she also won best in show! Below are two of her pieces.

Jue: Two Pieces of Joined Jade

Peonies in Pottery Jug

Here are my two 8" x 8" pieces.
"Warm and Rosey" 

Bird Neighbors

 Although all work is realistic, the variety is wide. Here is a sampling from the show; works (top to bottom) by Dan Beck, Cecelia Cox and Paul Cheng.
 Click here to see more but to see it all you gotta go to the gallery at 3530 Germanton Road (Rte 8 at Rte 65) in Germanton, North Carolina! The show will hang through the holidays.