Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Practicing Patience and Perseverance #1

During the month of June I finally finished four larger studio pastels – larger meaning bigger than 12" x 16" since I usually paint small.

I started two of them during the winter by doing these 5" x 7" studies from my reference photos. I fell in love with the little studies, because they were so loose and colorful.
Teaparty (study)
Cellist (study)

When I tried to translate them to a 12" x 16" (Teaparty) and a 13" x 19" (Cellist), I had difficulties. I needed to add much more detail at the larger size and I lost the life that I had in the studies.

I had my artist friend look at them and she found some things I could improve upon, so I went back to the studio to work on them a bit more. My efforts were not going in a good direction, but I kept stabbing away until I ended up wiping Teaparty down and beginning again.

I was afraid to touch the Cellist for fear of doing the same, so I let it sit for a couple of months.

Finally in June, I got both pieces out again and mindfully approached them. Taking my time and moving slowly and thoughtfully, I worked on them and kept working patiently until they were finished. I know they aren't exactly how I would like, but taking small steps to improvement was a much better way to work towards my ideal than rushing and wiping down and redoing over and over.

Here are the finished pieces – at least finished for now. Never know when I might see a way to make them better and continue to work on them!

Ready for Tea

Montreal Street Cellist

1 comment:

Jill P. said...

I love that little girl's face!